Saturday 6 June 2009

Reviews on the Horizon

As i was preparing to complete the second part of my review of Bernard Antwi's work - Breaking the chains of Shadow Beliefs, i thought i'd share another installment on my 'to do' list. These are books that i have come across through connections in cyberspace, and i must say that i am very eager to read them. "Many Rivers" by well known Zimbabwean Author Christopher Mlalazi is a story about an illegal immigrant in South Africa. This novel has been descibed as a comical page turner. So it's definitely something to look forward to.

A Caribbean Tale by Rudy Gurley is about a young Caribbean boy who develops big dreams and big ideas after he stumbles upon a book called The Power of Positive Thinking. The story sees the young boy making the decision to travel to England where he believes his dreams will come to fruition. I'm looking forward to taking that journey with Rudy Gurley's main character.

Then something different! I'm going to be reading a childrens book called African Folketales for Children by Uncle BlenBlen. This is the pseudonym for Zimbabwean Childrens writer, Dr Jonathan Masere. Children are our future and i appreciate it when people take the time to write especially for them.

And finally, this is an installment from one of my newest friends in cyberspace. Her name is Hillary Roy. Her first published book, which she has co-authored with Rose Mitchell is "Journeys of Love, Voices of the Heart". It is a collection of stories on one of the most talked about subjects. That subject is love. Looking forward to read both Hillary's and Roses' take on the most powerful force our world has ever experienced.


  1. What a fantastic collection! Many Rivers is on the way,probably by Thursday next week. Thank you for being Chris Mlalazi's first customer! I would also want to read A Caribbean Tale.How do I get one?I am an avid reader of Caribbean literature,especially Jamaican.

  2. Hi Saru.
    Thanks again for stopping by. You can get Rudy Gurley's book from The ISBN is ISBN-13: 978-1427605351

    This is his first book.His new book is called Sent from Overseas. I'm also looking forward to reading it.

  3. Hi Sarudzai, I'm looking forward to those upcoming reviews, and have really enjoyed the ones you have done so far.

  4. Many thanks Ivor for the visit and taking the time to read!
